Facts About Vitamins and Minerals

The Fact is vitamins, especially in these days, are very much essential to everyone. It is usually through the intake of food that we get these important minerals. Why do we need to get the correct facts about vitamins and minerals? Simple, without them, the whole process of eating would be an empty and purposeless thing besides filling your stomach.

Health And Vitamins

Vitamins are usually stored within your body fat, but some are also stored within the bloodstream. The first types are the fat-solubles, and the others are the water-solubles. They have to be replaced often by taking in whole food supplements or multivitamin tablets.

Health And Vitamins

The average health researcher tends to ask the simple question, why do we need vitamins and minerals anyway? Read on, if you want these questions answered yourself. The facts about vitamins listed below is the number of reasons (in vitamin and mineral classification) that one needs to have an understanding of your nutritional diet.

Facts About Vitamins

* Vitamin A is needed for having healthy skin and healthy eyesight, especially for nighttime focus. These antioxidant vitamins also allow protection from various diseases and pollutants, making it a great champion for the immune system. Foods that are rich in vitamin A are vegetables, orange fruits, liver, and milk.

* Vitamin B happens to have more than one classification that includes vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, and B12. They all have similar properties but have different uses. These vitamins are involved in the creation of red blood cells. You can get Vitamin B by eating beans, peas, vegetables, milk, yogurt, eggs, white meat, red meat, fish (or other sea foods), wheat, and oats.

* Vitamin C helps in maintaining normal cell tissue regeneration. Which means, if you get cut and it bleeds, this particular set of vitamins helps heal the wound. It also helps your body to resist infections or other illnesses. Vitamin C can be found in sweet red peppers, citrus fruits, cantaloupe, kiwi fruit, strawberries, tomatoes, broccoli, and cabbage.

* Vitamin D helps maintain and develop bone structure. It's contributes to good and strong teeth. This vitamin is essential in acquiring calcium absorption of your body. Eating fortified cereal, liver, egg yolks, fish, and milk gets you the Vitamin D that you need.

* Vitamin E happens to be one of the hardest working vitamins that your body needs. It maintains cell tissues that need more upkeep than other systems in your body like the ones in your liver, skin, and eyes. It helps to protect the lungs from getting so much damage by air-pollution as well as having an important part in the formation of your red blood cells. Nuts, seeds, egg yolks, sardines, vegetables, wheat, and oats are the foods you'll have to eat to get Vitamin E.

* Vitamin K acts like a glue whenever your body suffers a wound. It basically helps to clot the blood whenever you get cut. Clotting is important so that the blood can solidify and act as a plug. Vitamin K can be acquired through consumption of soybean oil, broccoli, milk, yogurt, and vegetables.


* Calcium is needed in order to have a healthy nervous system, bones, teeth, and muscles.
* Chromium helps increase the effectiveness of insulin, which is an important component in metabolism.
* Copper aids in the formation of blood cells and works together with vitamin C in the healing process.
* Iodine helps in regulating proper metabolism.
* Iron is needed in blood production.
* Magnesium acts as a catalyst in the utilization of fats, carbohydrates, and protein.
* Manganese is needed for proper sex hormone production and skeletal development.
* Molybdenum helps transport iron from the liver and promotes normal functioning of the cells.
* Potassium is necessary for normal kidney, heart muscle and nervous system functions.
* Selenium works to build antibodies and keeps artery and tissue elastic.
* Zinc aids in the healing process.

So is the question of, why do we need vitamins and minerals, still in your mind? Vitamin information seems necessary nowadays. It is almost staggering to know how many people are diagnosed with diseases that are related to vitamin deficiency. Inadequate vitamin intake is the cause of most diseases and yet people are looking in the wrong direction. One needs to know that health is a matter of basic food consumption and it all starts with the most fundamental principle, everybody needs vitamins so it is critical that you get all the correct facts about vitamins and minerals as well as antioxidants.

Facts About Vitamins and Minerals
Health And Vitamins

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